- #Playing simultaneous animation tracks in cheetah3d driver
- #Playing simultaneous animation tracks in cheetah3d software

The general idea on them is a MonoBehaviour script which acts like the playable director, but builds and manages multiple playable graphs, one for each timeline asset.

#Playing simultaneous animation tracks in cheetah3d software
It's true that there were (and still are!) cards available with more, but with the ubiquity of software mixing even 64 is probably overkill once reaching the point of "enough", soundcards have generally focused on adding more features like reverb effects or 3d positioning rather than merely adding more channels. Cheetah3D supports FBX takes (animation clips). I've seen a few systems/prototypes/samples since that post that use timelines as state machines that require that all animation tracks ease-in the first clip on the track. The soundcard may support 64 distinct buffers but any given program might only need one, doing all the mixing in software. Modern game engines support software mixing out of the box, which also lets them support features the soundcard itself might not like 3d positioning and material-based attenuation. Modern systems have so much processing power that mixing extra buffers in software is not particularly onerous. It's also not a hard limit on the number of simultaneous sounds you can play.
#Playing simultaneous animation tracks in cheetah3d driver
The AWE64, for example, claimed support for 64, but the hardware only supported 32 if you tried to play more sounds than that the driver would mix the extra ones in software. This doesn't necessarily mean that the soundcard hardware can handle that many buffers. More specifically, it means that software can feed the soundcard 64 different sound buffers (probably each one with its own volume and effect information) and it will handle mixing them together into a single¹ stream of sound to send to the speakers. It does in fact mean 64 simultaneous sounds.