
United states declaration of independence
United states declaration of independence

This means that the government rests on the consent of the People and only acts justly with that consent. By allowing the government to create a police force, fire department, border patrol, and military, we have given up some of our unalienable rights to self-defense and agreed to abide by the government. If we don’t have a government, we have the natural right to defend ourselves, but without a police force, we have to resort to vigilante justice. Social Compact: The idea of the Social Compact is that the People have come together and created a government to protect their unalienable rights.

united states declaration of independence

No other society in human society has rested on the foundation of unalienable rights.Ĥ. Today, too many act like their rights come from government, and they need to ask for permission to do things.

united states declaration of independence

Because our rights come from God, they cannot be sold or taken away. “Alienability” is an old-fashioned word for the ability “to sell” or “transfer” something. Moreover, “unalienable” means that the rights cannot be taken away, they are born within each person and can never be taken away by the government. A right means the People do not have to seek permission from the government. In fact, the People were “subjects” and had “privileges” which means that the government lorded over the people and the people could only do was permitted by the government. Unalienable Rights: We are used to thinking we have rights that government must respect, but this was quite revolutionary in 1776. We fell short in our reality, but we were the first to commit our nation to equality.ģ. It was done as a matter of tradition and codified into the law. Instead, inequality was the key historical reality and belief of the day. Until 1776, no government was established on equality or even declared it should be so. It is based on the belief that the Creator (Nature and Nature’s God) created all people, and therefore we are all equal in His eyes and under our law. But, the Founding Fathers were the very first to proclaim that a nation should be dedicated in this belief. This idea is perhaps the most controversial of them all, because the Founding Fathers fell so short of its ideal in practice. The Declaration of Independence declared – no more! The law should apply equally to all in society, whether they be in the government or the masses, the richest or the most poor. Until 1776, it was just assumed that most rulers did not need to follow the law, and that huge swaths of the privileged were exempt from the laws that applied to the vast majority of the People.

united states declaration of independence

The reason we needed to declare independence was because the British Empire was no longer following the fundamental unwritten English Constitution. In other words, the government and the People are both bound by the law. The Rule of Law: Although not articulated expressly, undergirding the entire Declaration of Independence is the idea of the rule of law. The Founders declared, against the historical experiences and beliefs of the ages, six founding First Principles, all of which were quite revolutionary at the time, and remain revolutionary today:ġ. They believed some truths were so obvious, that they were “self-evident,” that is, that they need not be proven: 2 + 2 = 4, not a cow.

united states declaration of independence

The Declaration announced the Founding Fathers’ belief in the “truth” – That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Indeed, the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence announces for the whole world to see our underlying motivation for the American Revolution: In fact, the tea tax which provoked the Boston Tea Party actually lowered the price of tea, and many of the Founding Fathers were opposed to slavery. It established for the first time in world history a new nation based on the First Principles of the rule of law, unalienable rights, limited government, the Social Compact, equality, and the right to alter or abolish oppressive government.Ĭontrary to the beliefs of some, the American Revolution was not fought for lower taxes or to protect slavery. The importance of the Declaration of Independence can hardly be overstated. Tips from Past “We The Future” Contest Winners!.

United states declaration of independence